Photo of Chris Hadfield

Chris Hadfield // "I would love the opportunity to take everybody on 100 orbits of the world with me. To sit by the window of the Space Station...and just take the time to watch the world. It is immensely, startlingly beautiful. Each time you come around the world, the world has changed – the weather patterns have changed, the seasons have changed...and you develop an increasing understanding and awareness of the world, like watching something grow and flower. And, inevitably, somewhere along the way you start to lose your sense...of 'us' and 'them.' You lose that sense that the little square that you walk around in is the only one that matters. The more people who could see the immensity of it, the beauty of it, the patience of it, the age of it, the toughness of the world and the precious unique beauty of it...the better we would all be."