Photo of Primo Levi

Primo Levi // "Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions."

Photo of Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn // "As one goes through life, one learns that if you don't paddle your own canoe, you don't move."

Photo of Patti Smith

Patti Smith // "I’m going to promote myself exactly as I am, with all my weak points and my strong ones. My weak points are that I'm self-conscious and often insecure, and my strong point is that I don't feel any shame about it."

Photo of James Baldwin

James Baldwin // "Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety. And at such a moment, unable to see and not daring to imagine what the future will now bring forth, one clings to what one knew, or dreamed that one possessed. Yet, it is only when a man is able, without bitterness or self-pity, to surrender a dream he has long cherished or a privilege he has long possessed that he is set free...he has set himself free...for higher dreams, for greater privileges."

Photo of David Lynch

David Lynch // "Inside, we are ageless...and when we talk to ourselves, it's the same age of the person we were talking to when we were little. It's the body that is changing around that ageless center."

Photo of Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren // "If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, it would be to use the words ‘fuck off’ much more frequently."

Photo of Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson // "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."

Photo of Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson // "A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance... You have no choice but to accept things as they are, or to seriously seek something else... But you say, 'I don’t know where to look; I don’t know what to look for.' And there’s the crux. Is it worth giving up what I have to look for something better? I don’t it? Who can make that decision but you? But even by deciding to look, you go a long way toward making the choice."

Photo of Bill Murray

Bill Murray // "I didn't get into this position by being like a stiff sitting on the set in a folding chair. I did it by walking around on the streets and stirring things up."

Photo of Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe // "If I'd observed all the rules I'd never have got anywhere."

Photo of Yoko Ono and John Lennon

Yoko Ono (& John Lennon) // "Be silent in a group of people. See what they reveal to you."

Edward Norton // "I'm fascinated by the ways in which people express themselves, because their responses are often counter to what they're actually feeling. Like when they're frightened, they tend to freeze. When they're angry, it doesn't always come out as volume. There are wonderful contradictions in the way that people express their emotions."