Photo of Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller // "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

Photo of Audrey Tautou

Audrey Tautou // "I like to look for things no one else catches."

Photo of Ingmar Bergman

Ingmar Bergman // "I don't want to produce a work of art that the public can sit and suck aesthetically... I want to give them a blow in the small of the back, to scorch their indifference, to startle them out of their complacency."

Photo of Bernardo Bertolucci

Bernardo Bertolucci // "I left the ending ambiguous, because that is the way life is."

Photo of Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn // "Elegance is the only beauty that never fades."

Photo of Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin // "How does one get ideas? By sheer perseverance to the point of madness."

Photo of Nick Cave

Nick Cave // "The lovely thing about the unsayable is that it is unsaid. As soon as it is said, it is sayable and loses all its mystery and ambiguity. Art exists so that the unsayable can be said without having to actually say it. We cloud it in secrecy and obfuscation. The mind is free to roam and all things can be imagined, under the cover of darkness. How nice that is. The unsayable. How tired we are of having things explained to us. Having things said. How nice it is when people just shut the fuck up."

Photo of Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody // "I suppose that means I'm not easy to define. But that's good, isn't it?"

Photo of Charles Bukowski

Charles Bukowski // "Of course, anything can kill you and something eventually will. All I can say is that today I have just inserted a new typewriter ribbon into this old machine and I am pleased with the way it works. That makes for more than just an ordinary day, thank you."

Photo of Fiona Apple

Fiona Apple // "It pisses me off to think we're conditioned to push away bad feelings and think anything that's uncomfortable is to be avoided."

Photo of Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso // "Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working."

Photo of Madonna

Madonna // "We are all responsible for our actions, our behavior, and our words, and we must take responsibility for everything we say and do. When you get your head wrapped around that, you can no longer think of life as a series of random events—you participate in life in a way you didn't previously. I am an architect of my destiny. I am in charge. I bring that to me, or I push it away. You can no longer blame other people for things that happened to you."