Photo of Bill Evans

Bill Evans // "I never strive for identity. That's something that just has happened automatically as a result, I think, of just putting things together, tearing things apart and putting it together my own way, and somehow I guess the individual comes through eventually."

Photo of Ingmar Bergman

Ingmar Bergman // "I am living permanently in my dream, from which I make brief forays into reality."

Photo of Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo // "Everyone’s opinions about things change over time. Nothing is constant. Everything changes. And to hold onto some dogged idea forever is a little rigid and maybe naive."

Photo of Brian Eno

Brian Eno // "Whatever you now find weird, ugly, uncomfortable and nasty about a new medium will surely become its signature. CD distortion, the jitteriness of digital video, the crap sound of 8-bit...all of these will be cherished and emulated as soon as they can be avoided. It’s the sound of failure...the sound of things going out of control, of a medium pushing to its limits and breaking apart. The distorted guitar sound is the sound of something too loud for the medium supposed to carry it. The blues singer with the cracked voice is the sound of an emotional cry too powerful for the throat that releases it. The excitement of grainy film, of bleached-out black and white, is the excitement of witnessing events too momentous for the medium assigned to record them."

Photo of Philippe Petit

Philippe Petit // "Believe marvels exist around you, inside others, within yourself."

Photo of Nick Cave

Nick Cave // "The writer who refuses to explore the darker regions of the heart will never be able to write convincingly about the wonder, the magic and the joy of love...just as goodness cannot be trusted unless it has breathed the same air as evil."

Photo of Charles Bukowski

Charles Bukowski // "Beware those quick to praise, for they need praise in return. Beware those who are quick to censor, they are afraid of what they do not know. Beware those who seek constant crowds, for they are nothing alone. Beware the average man, the average woman. Beware their love, their love is average, seeks average. But there is genius in their hatred. There is enough genius in their hatred to kill you, to kill anybody. Not wanting solitude, not understanding solitude, they will attempt to destroy anything that differs from their own. Not being able to create art, they will not understand art... Not being able to love fully, they will believe your love incomplete and then they will hate you and their hatred will be perfect...their finest art."

Photo of Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey // "People still sit around and think, 'When’s it gonna come...' And that’s the wrong way. You’re facing the wrong way, you’re facing away from it. You have to go, 'It’s here, it’s here, it’s here.'"

Photo of James Dean

James Dean // "Only the gentle are ever really strong."

Photo of Jeanne Moreau

Jeanne Moreau // "I can't belong to groups. I've tried. I behave normally, but people don't look at me normally...they expect everyone to be like them."

Photo of Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde // "Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working."

Photo of Miles Davis

Miles Davis // "Sometimes you have to play a long time to be able to play like yourself."