Photo of Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse // "The essential thing is to work in a state of mind that approaches prayer."

Photo of Albert Camus to René Char

Albert Camus (to René Char) // "The older I get, the more I find that you can only live with beings who liberate you, and who love you with an affection that is as light to bear as it is strong to feel… This is how I am your friend, I love your happiness, your freedom, your adventure…and I would like to be for you the companion you are sure of, always."

Photo of René Char

René Char // "The essential is constantly threatened by the insignificant."

Photo of Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen // "This is the only poem I can read. I am the only one who can write it. I didn’t kill myself when things went wrong. I didn’t turn to drugs or teaching. I tried to sleep. But when I couldn’t sleep, I learned to write. I learned to write what might be read on nights like this by one like me."

Photo of Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller // "I think the job of the artist is to remind people of what they have chosen to forget."

Photo of Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou // "Let's tell the truth to people. When people ask, 'How are you?'...have the nerve sometimes to answer truthfully. You must know, however, that people will start avoiding you because, they, too, have knees that pain them and heads that hurt and they don't want to know about yours. But think of it this way: If people avoid you, you will have more time to meditate and do fine research on a cure for whatever truly afflicts you."

Photo of Claude Monet

Claude Monet // "I want the unobtainable. Other artists paint a bridge, a house, a boat, and that's the end. They are finished. I want to paint the air which surrounds the bridge, the house, the boat, the beauty of the air in which these objects are located, and that is nothing short of impossible."

Photo of Naguib Mahfouz

Naguib Mahfouz // "Silence is the last try to tell them everything they didn’t understand when we were speaking."

Photo of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein // "A human being is a part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'... He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature... Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security."

Photo of David Lynch

David Lynch // "Just slow things down and it becomes more beautiful."

Photo of Viggo Mortensen

Viggo Mortensen // "To be an artist, you don't have to compose music or paint or be in the movies or write books. It's just a way of living. It has to do with paying attention, remembering, filtering what you see and answering back, participating in life."

Photo of Thelonious Monk

Thelonious Monk // "A genius is the one most like himself."